Contact Information


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Consumer Hotline:400 8379 000

Sales Inquiries:18096196999,18285099114

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Sales Hotline:0851-34754829、0851-34754819、0851-34754816

After-Sales Service:17630129055

Wire Anti-Counterfeiting and Red Packet Inquiries:183 1166 5252

Recruitment Hotline:18385386544 

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Advertising Cooperation:18166782513

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Address: 02-04, 02-06, Xiayun Industrial Park II, Liyang High-Tech Zone, Pingba District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province 

Guda Wires: The Choice for Family Safety and Well-being!

Guda Cable Group stands as a pioneering force in the innovative cable industry, committed to the research, development, production, and marketing of engineering cables and high-end household wires. Upholding the brand philosophy of “Focus on Safe and High-end Wires”, our group consistently innovates in quality, technology, design, and service, dedicated to bringing light to the world and safeguarding the electrical safety of more households.


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